關於氣候轉型風險需要了解的 3 件事

3 Things to Know About Climate Transition Risks

In prioritizing a future of net-zero emissions, many of today’s businesses are navigating a strong uptick in climate transition risks.


uptick: 上揚

Transition risks are the risks created by the transition to a net-zero economy. This can encompass the impact of new climate reporting mandates, managing stranded assets, using scenario analysis, and other areas.


mandate: 受命進行的工作

stranded: 處於困境的

Here are three things to know about climate transition risks: 



  • Some industries are more at risk than others. Companies most exposed to transition risks include manufacturing and transportation — industries which have a relatively high carbon intensity, or which operate in the supply chains of these sectors.
  • 有些行業比其他行業面臨更大的風險。最容易面臨轉型風險的公司包括製造業和運輸業,這些產業的碳強度相對較高,或在這些產業的供應鏈中運作。


  • Fossil fuel dependency doesn’t necessarily equal risk level. While a business that is highly dependent on fossil fuels may be more immediately vulnerable than a less dependent one, the true measure of transition risk preparedness is the possession of a robust decarbonization plan.

  • 對化石燃料的依賴不一定等於風險等級。雖然高度依賴化石燃料的企業可能比依賴程度較低的企業更容易受到影響,但衡量轉型風險準備程度的真正衡量標準是擁有強而有力的脫碳計畫。


  • Companies can use scenario analysis to manage their transition risks. By using different scenarios based around such factors as GDP growth, carbon taxes, and the adoption of new technologies, they can understand how vulnerable they are to transition risk.

  •  公司可以使用情境分析來管理轉型風險。透過使用基於 GDP 成長、碳稅和新技術採用等因素的不同情景,他們可以了解自己對轉型風險的脆弱程度。



