190816 ISO 27001 A.12 ~ A.13 筆記

A.12.4記錄與監控Logging and monitoring

目標:記錄事件並產生證據。Objective: To record events and generate evidence.

A.12.4.1事件記錄Event logging

記錄使用者活動、異常、錯誤與資訊安全事件的事件日誌應加以製作、保存並定期地審閱。Event logs recording user activities, exceptions, faults and information security events shall be produced, kept and regularly reviewed.

A.12.4.2日誌資訊之保護Protection of log information

記錄設施與日誌資訊應加以保護,以防止篡改與未經授權的存取。Logging facilities and log information shall be protected against tampering and unauthorized access.

A.12.4.3管理者與操作者日誌Administrator and operator logs

系統管理者與系統操作者活動應加以記錄,且該日誌應加以保護並定期地審閱。System administrator and system operator activities shall be logged and the logs protected and regularly reviewed.

A.12.4.4時間同步Clock synchronization

在組織或安全領域內的所有相關資訊處理系統之時間應與單一參照時間來源同步。The clocks of all relevant information processing systems within an organization or security domain shall be synchronised to a single reference time source.

A.12.5運作中軟體之控制Control of operational software

目標:確保運作中系統的完整性。Objective: To ensure the integrity of operational systems.

A.12.5.1運作中系統上軟體之安裝Installation of software on operational systems

程序應加以實施,以控制運作中系統上軟體之安裝。Procedures shall be implemented to control the installation of software on operational systems.

A.12.6技術漏洞管理Technical vulnerability management

目標:防止技術漏洞之利用。Objective: To prevent exploitation of technical vulnerabilities.

A.12.6.1技術漏洞之管理Management of Technical Vulnerabilities

應及時獲得關於資訊系統技術漏洞被利用之資訊,並應對組織在漏洞上的暴露加以評估,且應採取適當措施以因應相關風險。Information about technical vulnerabilities of information systems being used shall be obtained in a timely fashion, the organization’s exposure to such vulnerabilities evaluated and appropriate measures taken to address the associated risk.

A.12.6.2軟體安裝限制Restrictions on software installation

應建立並實施使用者安裝軟體之管理規則。Rules governing the installation of software by users shall be established and implemented.

A.12.7資訊系統稽核考量Information systems audit considerations

目標:將稽核活動對運作中系統之影響降至最低。Objective: To minimize the impact of audit activities on operational systems.

A.12.7.1資訊系統稽核控制措施Information systems audit controls

稽核需求與涉及運作中系統驗證之活動應仔細規劃與議定,以儘量降低對營運流程的中斷。Audit requirements and activities involving verification of operational systems shall be carefully planned and agreed to minimize disruptions to business processes.

A.13.1網路安全管理Network Security Management

目標:確保網路中的資訊與其支援的資訊處理設施受到保護。Objective: To ensure the protection of information in networks and its supporting information processing facilities.

A.13.1.1網路控制措施Network controls

網路應進行管理與控制,以保護系統與應用程式中的資訊。Networks shall be managed and controlled to protect information in systems and applications.


